It all started in 2001, when a group of twelve explorers got trapped in the South Pole after surviving an emergency landing. While waiting for a rescue team in the deep Antarctic cold, they began warming themselves up with vodka and started planning their next expedition: the discovery of the Great Mammoth in Siberia.
Whether it was fate or serendipity, in 2002 the Yukagir Mammoth tusk was discovered peeking out from the melting ice of the frozen tundra in Siberia. Immediately seeing it as a sign, one of our explorers gathered a team of scientists to go to the site. What they found changed their life forever, as below the layers of ice, they discovered a whole Mammoth.

To honour this unbelievable adventure and the heritage found in Siberia, one of the 12 explorers brought MAMONT to life in the shape of a mammoth tusk; the «MAMONT» word being the translation of «Mammoth» in Russian language.
MAMONT is created in the Altai region from seed to the bottle. The Itkul distillery with a century-old history and production traditions was chosen as a perfect place to create the best vodka.
The distillery is located in the environmentally cleanest region of Russia.
In the pure environment of the Altai region, we cultivate wheat, rye, barley and millet, which we use to produce our malt spirit.

We have gained valuable knowledge from previous generations and sharpened our skills to allow us to create a spirit of the highest quality using the power of the land.

Unlike the chemical fermentation, during the sprouting process the natural enzymes are formed inside the grain, ensuring the natural fermentation. This process, unique for the alcohol production, gives MAMONT its special mild taste.

The alcohol is mixed with artesian water from our own 170 meters deep wells, and filtered through birch charcoal enriched with the ions of silver in order to provide the extra soft taste and the crystal purity of the beverage.
Key Features
Ingredients: Flavoured pine nut alcohol
Color: Transparent, crystal clear
Aroma: Delicate aroma with a hint of pine nuts
Taste: Light savour with a slightly salty tint, perfectly balanced by the delicate sweetness